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ICPEP-5 Registration: Special Facility for intending
International Delegates
While the process of registration and submission of
abstracts for the ICPEP-5 Conference is over, a limited
number of individuals from Overseas can still register
themselves or even do on the spot registration at the
Reception Desk on 24th February 2015 with prior
intimation to the Organising Secretaries.
Such individuals can only attend the conference but they
will not be able to present any paper. They will however enjoy
all other facilities extended to already registered
intending delegates
will also have to make their own arrangement for travel
and accommodation directly or through our
Authorized Travel Agent. ([email protected]) |
[Submission of Abstract]
Committees] [Download
Conference Circular] [Download Registration Form -
PDF Format
- MS Word
Scientific programme
Click here to Download (pdf)
Venue |
Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow,
Lucknow]� [Lucknow
Map] |
February 24-27, 2015  |
Organized by
Co-sponsored/ Supported by |
United Nations Educational, Scientific &
Cultural Organization
(UNESCO), Paris/New Delhi |
Union of Forestry Research Organizations
(IUFRO), Vienna, Austria |
Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of
India, New Delhi |
State Bank of India |
Council Of Science & Technology, U.P.
(Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of U.P.)
Indian National Science Academy (INSA) |
Department of Biotechnology, Government of
India, New Delhi |
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Development (NABARD), Mumbai |
Chairman, Organizing Committee
Dr. C.
S. Nautiyal, FNA
Director CSIR-NBRI
& President
Secretaries (ICPEP-5) |
K. J. Ahmad
Secretary ISEB Former Chief Scientist & former Emeritus Scientist CSIR-NBRI
[email protected] |
Dr. R. D. Tripathi
Addl. Secretary ISEB, Chief Scientist
[email protected] |
Dr. Nandita Singh
Joint Secretary ISEB Principal Scientist
[email protected] |
address |
All correspondence
should be addressed to;
Organizing Secretaries, ICPEP-5, International Society of Environmental Botanists, National Botanical Research Institute, Rana Pratap Marg,
Lucknow, 226001, India
[email protected] /
[email protected]
+91-522-2297821 (Direct) /
+91-522-2205831 to 2205835 (PBX) Extn. 821
Fax: +91-522-2205836/2205839 - The
FAX should be superscribed with �ICPEP-5�.
The official language of the Conference will be English.
Conference Information |
Most of the environmental
concerns faced by the developed countries following
industrial revolution and resultant economic boom and
consumerism in the past are now spreading to the
developing countries as well. Among the scourges faced
by mankind today, environmental pollution is in the
forefront. In the greater part of the last century, it
was the fast pace of industrialization, galloping demand
for food, shelter and energy and reckless exploitation
of natural resources, that were mainly responsible for
creating the problem of environmental pollution in
developed countries.
Current scenario is, however, vastly different, as
widespread poverty, illiteracy and burgeoning population
in the Third World countries are leading to increasing
environmental pollution at a pace which were
unimaginable only a few decades earlier. Climate change
is the biggest threat faced by this planet since the
�Ice Age�. When it comes to the hazards of environmental
pollution, there is only a very thin dividing line
between developed and developing countries now. One
pollutes and the other suffers from its consequences
equally, if not more.
India, with a population of
ca 1.25 billion people, is home
to one-sixth of the humanity. It is a developing
country, where its teeming millions suffer from poverty,
illiteracy, malnutrition resulting in severe degradation
in environmental quality and ill health. However, with
its strong industrial base, sound infra-structure and
phenomenal progress in science and technology, it is
poised to become a developed country in not too distant
future. Being a �Sangam� (Confluence) of developed and
developing nations, it is ideally suited to host this
international Conference. Because of its sheer size and
population, what India does today, will have its impact
on the entire planet tomorrow.
International Society of Environmental Botanists and
CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow
(CSIR-NBRI) had jointly organized four highly successful
International Conferences on Plants and Environmental
Pollution in Lucknow in 1996, 2002, 2005 and 2010. Some
of these conferences were co-sponsored by international
organizations like UNESCO, UNEP, TWAS, IUBS, Indo-US
Science & Technology Forum, AusAID, Murdoch University,
Australia and several ministries/departments of
Government of India. It was recommended that the fifth
quadrennial ICPEP (ICPEP-5) needed to be organized to
provide forum for discussing scientific researches and
for exchanging knowledge concerning environmental
issues. As a follow-up of the above recommendations,
ISEB and CSIR-NBRI shall jointly organize the Fifth
International Conference on Plants and Environmental
Pollution (ICPEP-5), during December 3-6, 2014, at CSIR-NBRI
Campus, Lucknow India. Prestigious international
scientific organizations, funding agencies like banks,
foundations and corporate sector promoting environmental
protection activities under their corporate social
responsibility programmes are being invited to
co-sponsor this conference which will deliberate on
crucial issues like environmental protection, climate
change impact, on biodiversity migration of species,
forestry, food security and human health.
This Conference is aimed at providing a vibrant
interactive forum for serious deliberations on the
pressing problems of pollution and the role of plants in
its amelioration. The deliberations during the
Conference will focus on climate change, environment and
biodiversity, environmental biotechnology, plant
response to environmental pollution, environmental
impact on assessment, bio-indication and bioremediation,
plant-microbe interaction and waste management. Promoting
environment education and outreach programmes also needs
to be emphasized� besides other emerging environmental
Detailed technical reports and recommendations of the
previous Conferences (ICPEP-1 to ICPEP-4) were forwarded
to relevant International agencies, academic
institutions and organizations (both government and
non-government) for their perusal and implementation.
An International Advisory Committee with some of the
most reputed and highly distinguished environmental and
plant scientists has been constituted under the
chairmanship of Dr. C.S. Nautiyal, President ISEB &
Director CSIR-NBRI to guide and advise in planning and
organizing this Conference. |
Of the two
organizers of ICPEP-5, International Society of
Environmental Botanists (ISEB), is a non-profit,
non-governmental scientific society based at the
National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow,
India. ISEB aims to promote the cause of
environmental protection, biodiversity
conservation, pollution abatement and
sustainable development by focusing on, and
highlighting the role of plants in attaining the
aforementioned objectives, and the other
organizer CSIR-National Botanical Research
Institute (CSIR-NBRI), is one of the most
prestigious, and internationally reputed,
inter-disciplinary plant science Institute of
South-east Asia. It is a constituent of the
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research,
Government of India, New Delhi and the Director
of CSIR-NBRI, Dr. C.S. Nautiyal is also the
President of ISEB. |
The City of Lucknow |
The city of
Lucknow with a population of over three million,
is the capital of Uttar Pradesh, which is
India�s most populous state. The State is home
to one-thirtieth of the global population.
Lucknow is known all over the world for its
beautiful historical monuments, sprawling
gardens, palaces, art, culture, music, textile
embroidery and culinary art. It occupies a very
important place on the political map of India.
During the past
few decades, it has made tremendous strides in
the field of education and science and
technology. With over a dozen universities and
an equal number of R&D institutes of
international repute, it has become a hub of
scientific researches, especially in the fields
of biotechnology, bio-medical research, plant
sciences, agriculture and management studies.
Lucknow is well
connected by rail and road with all major Indian
cities and directly by air with cities like New
Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad,
Ahmedabad, Patna etc. Lucknow�s airport is an
international airport with direct regular
flights to several Gulf and Arab countries and
Nepal. It has more than a dozen 3-4 star hotels
and a couple of 5-star luxury hotels.
A glimpse of
Lucknow city with its beautiful skyline dotted
with historical monuments, sprawling gardens,
royal palaces glittering shopping centres, Malls
and research, educational and cultural centres; �
images & information in
Wikipedia. |
Areas/Disciplines of the Conference
1. Bio-Indication & Bioremediation
2. Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology
3. Environmental Impact Assessment &
4. Environment & Biodiversity
5. Plant Responses to Environmental Pollution
6. Climate Change & Human Health
7. Climate Change and Global Food Security
8. Impacts of Air Pollution & Climate Change on
Forest Ecosystem
9. Role of Botanical Gardens in Climate Change
10. Environmental Education,
Environmental Laws, Outreach &
11. Contemporary Environmental Issues:
Environmental impact on cultural heritage
Environmental systems and disaster management
Hospital wastes management
(e) Indoor pollutants,
Bio-energy/ Biofuel
Sustainable agriculture & food Security
Alien Plant Invasion
Noise pollution
Urban pollution & green belt designing.
(m) New & Renewable
Procedure for Submission of
Abstract |
1. Abstract of Paper
The Abstract not exceeding
350 words typed in �Times New Roman� 12 pt normal font,
single line spacing and should include:
Title of Paper in
BLOCK letter
Name of all author(s)
in italics with an asterisk (*) marked against the
name of the presenting author
Main body of the
5 to 6 key words
Author(s)� primary
institutional affiliations using superscript
numerals including full address of all the authors
up to town and country and their E-mail IDs
Area/discipline which
best represents your work.
Abstracts should be
mailed/e-mailed/faxed to Dr. Nandita Singh, Principal
Scientist, Eco-auditing Group, CSIR-National Botanical
Research Institute, Lucknow-226001, India. (E-mail:
[email protected]; Phone:+91-522-2297931/2297932;
Fax:+91-522-2205836/2205839 - The
FAX should be superscribed with �ICPEP-5�.)
All queries regarding
abstracts and publication related matters should be
addressed to her (Dr. Nandita Singh).
Last date for submission
of abstract is 10 January 2015.
2. Oral presentation
Oral presentations will be
of 15 minutes duration, including discussions. Overhead,
35mm projection, LCD/CD and other electronic multimedia
facilities will be available for presentation.
3. Posters
The space given for the
poster would be 1.5m (height) x 1.2m (width). Please
ensure that your poster will fit into this space. All
other details of design and format are up to the
author(s), who will themselves display their posters at
their respective poster sessions. Necessary materials
for posting the displays will be provided by the
4. Full Papers
Full papers need not be
submitted presently. If, and when, a decision is taken
by the Organizing Committee regarding publication of the
Proceedings of ICPEP- 5, an International committee of
Experts will scrutinize all presentations (oral/poster)
made during different sessions of the Conference and
short list the individuals from whom the full papers
will be invited for publication.
5. Mode of Presentation of Paper
can submit their requests for mode of presentation of
their papers along with their abstracts/registration by
e-mail/mail/FAX in the format which can be
downloaded by clicking here.
requests will be duly considered by the Scientific
Programme Committee and its decision will be
communicated to the individual delegate after the
deadline for the submission of Registration and
Abstracts sometime in September/October 2014. No
enquiries on this subject will be entertained before
September 15, 2014. As we have already received over 800
pre-registrations and the number of actual registrations
is likely to exceed 500, and in spite of our best
efforts it will be humanly impossible to accommodate all
delegates under oral presentation in a 4-day conference
with only 3 days allotted for Scientific Sessions.
6. ICPEP-5 Attendance Reconfirmation - Important
Reconfirmation of ICPEP-5 Attendance before 31 December
2014 is a pre-requisite for presentation of paper
(Oral/poster) and/or publication of abstract in the Book
of Abstracts and inclusion of name in the Directory of
ICPEP-5 Delegates.
download the ICPEP-5 Attendance Reconfirmation
Form, fill it and submit the same by E-mail/mail/FAX to;
Organizing Secretaries ICPEP-5
CSIR- National Botanical Research Institute,
Lucknow-226001, India
[email protected] /
[email protected]
Fax: +91-522-2205836/2205839 - The FAX should be
superscribed with �ICPEP-5�.
The Form should positively reach on or before December
31, 2014.
Registration and Registration
Charges |
registration please
the registration form and send it duly filled to the
Registration fee payable per person for various
categories of delegates is as follows
Indian/SAARC Residents*
Foreign National/NRIs
Up to 10/01/2015
After 10/01/2015
Up to 10/01/2015
After 10/01/2015
Member of ISEB
Rs. 5000
Rs. 5500
US $ 500
US $ 550
Non Member
Rs. 5500
Rs. 6000
US $ 550
US $ 600
Rs. 3500
Rs. 4000
US $ 300
US $ 350
Accompanying person
Rs. 3500
Rs. 4000
US $ 300
US $ 350
*Delegates from SAARC countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh,
Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka) can
pay either in Indian currency or US $.
RAs, SRFs, JRFs, Project Fellows, Project Assistants,
and those in employment, are not eligible for student
(Note: The registration fee does not include hotel,
boarding and lodging charges) |
Mode of Payment |
Registration fee and other charges are to be paid by
Bank Draft drawn in favour of "International Society of
Environmental Botanists-ICPEP, (ISEB-ICPEP) Lucknow,
India Account No. 34056777525" payable at the State
Bank of India, NBRI Branch, Lucknow.
Overseas delegates can also remit by electronic transfer
using SWIFT Code SBININBB157 (Lucknow Main Branch) payable to
International Society of Environmental Botanists, Lucknow
A/c. No. 34056777525 at State Bank of India,
NBRI Branch, Lucknow.
After successful money transfer
please notify us by E-mail, your name, the amount
transferred and the transaction details etc.
Cheques/credit cards will not be accepted. �
Registration fee paid
by a delegate will not be refunded in the event of his
inability to attend the Conference due to some
unforeseen circumstances. However, such delegates can
collect their Conference material (bag and literature
etc.) either personally or through an authorized
representative till 31 March 2015. �
Duly filled in
registration form, complete in all respects (including a
passport size coloured photograph of the delegate duly
pasted on the form) and, Bank draft of the Registration
fee should be mailed to the Organizing Secretaries,
ICPEP- 5, International Society of Environmental
Botanists, National Botanical Research Institute,
Lucknow-226001, India. Payment of registration fee along
with the Registration form is not mandatory and it can
also be paid at the Registration counter of the
conference but for availing fee concession, the
registration fee must be remitted before 10 January 2015 positively. |
Accommodation |
Lucknow has several 3-5 star hotels of international
standards as well as many good economy/budget hotels.
Delegates may arrange their own accommodation.
limited accommodation (2/3 persons per room) may also be
available in the guest houses/hostels of local R & D
institutes, details of which will be uploaded on this
page in due course. Mean while any enquiry about such accommodations
may be addressed to; Dr. D. K. Upreti, Convenor,
Accommodation Committee
[email protected].
here to download Requisition Form for Accommodation)
facilitate hotel/tour bookings etc a conference travel
agent has been appointed. For all your travel, local
tours and hotel accommodation requirements/queries etc.
please contact the authorized travel agent of the conference. |
Authorized Travel Agent of the Conference |
Mr. S. Banerjee
Branch Manager
J Trade-Wings (Pvt.) Ltd.,
110 Shalimar Square (First Floor)
B.N. Road, Lalbagh, Lucknow-226001, India.
[email protected] |
Visa for foreign delegates |
Before planning your journey
please contact Indian
Embassy/Consulate/High Commission in your country
regarding the visa requirements. |
Organizing Committees |
Dr. C.S. Nautiyal
Chairman, Organizing
Committee ICPEP-5
(Director CSIR-NBRI &
President, ISEB)
Dr. K. J. Ahmad���� Dr. R. D. Tripathi���� Dr. Nandita Singh
Organizing Secretaries
Dr. B.P. Singh
K.J. Ahmad
Tariq Husain
Vivek Pandey
U.N. Rai
S.C. Sharma
Mrs. Nandita Singh
Kanti Srivastava
R.D. Tripathi
Prof. R.S. Tripathi
D.K. Upreti
Prof. Mohd. Yunus
Mrs. Kamla Kulshreshtha
Advisory committee
Dr. C. S. Nautiyal
Prof. V. P. Aneja (U.S.A.)
J. B. Barroso (Spain)
Prof. Maria De L. De Bauer (Mexico)
Prof. J. N. B. Bell (U.K)
C. R. Bhatia (India)
Prof. Hans Brix (Denmark)
Prof. Tao. Chen (China)
F. J. Corpas (Spain)
Prof. R. F. E. Crang (U.S.A)
Prof. O. P. Dhankher (U.S.A)
Prof. Marisa Domingos (Brazil)
Prof. Nicholas M. Dickinson (New Zealand)
Lisa Emberson (U.K.)
Prof. Dr. Juerg Fuhrer (Switzerland)
Jean-Pierre Garrec (France)
Prof. Arun Goyal (U.S.A.
Prof. David. A. Grantz (U.S.A.)
Margaret. Greenway (Australia)
Ahmad K. Hegazy (Saudi Arabia)
Allan H. Legge (Canada)
Prof. Bernd. Markert (Germany)
Prof. Elina Oksanen (Finland)
Prof. Dr. Munir. Ozturk (Turkey)
Prof. Elena. Paoletti (Italy)
Prof. Shivendra V. Sahi (U.S.A.)
P.V. Sane (India)
Wagdy. Sawahel (Egypt)
Prof. Ming-Hung Wong (Hong Kong, China)
Prof. Yong Guan Zhu (China)
� |
organizing committee
P.V. Sane
Prof. Madhoolika Agrawal (Varanasi)
Prof. Sunil Bajpai (Lucknow)
S.K. Barik (Shillong)
Dr. H.M. Behl
Gufran Beig (Pune)
Dipankar Chakraborti (Kolkata)
Prof. Mohd. Iqbal (New Delhi)
Prof. R. K. Kohli (Jalandhar)
R.K. Pachauri (New Delhi)
Prof. M.N.V.
Prasad (Hyderabad)
Partha Sarathi Roy (Hyderabad)
Dr. Girish Sahni
Prof. P.K. Seth (Lucknow)
Prof. R.C. Sobti (Lucknow)
Prof. Pramod. Tandon (Shillong)
Prof. C.K. Varshney (New Delhi)
Publication Committee
Mrs. Nandita Singh (Convener)
Prof. R.S. Tripath
Prof. M. Yunus
Vivek Pandey
Pankaj K. Srivastava
Poster Committee
Dr. S. K. Raj (Convener)
Transport Committee
U.N. Rai (Convener)
Food Committee
Virendra Nath (Convener)
Accommodation Committee
D.K. Upreti (Convener)
Reception Committee
Kamla Kulshreshtha (Convener)
Venue Committee
R.K. Roy (Convener)
Cultural Programme Committee
P.B. Khare (Convener)
Local Tour & Sight Seeing Committee
Kanti Srivastva (Convener) |
International Conferences organized by ISEB/NBRI. |
26-30 November 1996.
ICPEP-2 - 04-09 February 2002.
28th November to 2nd
December 2005.
8-11 December 2010. |