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International Conferences on Plants & Environmental Pollution

Keeping in view its objectives, ISEB in collaboration with National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI), Lucknow, India� has been organising International Conferences on Plants & Environmental Pollution (ICPEP) and so has far organised 3 very successful conferences;

ICPEP-1 (1996)

The first International Conference was held at NBRI Campus on 26-30 November 1996. This path breaking scientific conference was attend by over 200 scientists from 17 countries. Full proceedings of the conference have been published under the title "Environmental Stress: Indication, Mitigation and Eco-conservation" by M/s Kluwer Academics, the Netherlands. However following documents are available at this web site;

  1. ICPEP-1 (1996)Report by K. J. Ahmad, ISEB (Reproduced from EnviroNews January 1997).

  2. ICPEP-1 (1996) � Recommendations (Reproduced from EnviroNews January 1997).

  3. ICPEP-1 (1996) - Picture Gallery - Some glimpses of the conference.

ICPEP-2 (2002)

The Second International Conference was held during 4-9 February 2002 at NBRI Campus. The highly successful, six day long conference, was attended by over 300 delegates from 21 countries across the globe.

Selected presentations made during the Conference are available in a book entitled "Plant Response to Environmental Stress". (Click to see details). In addition following documents are available at this web site;

  1. ICPEP-2 (2002) - A Report by Anil K. Guniyal & J. K. Johri, NBRI, Lucknow. (Reproduced from Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, September 2002)

  2. ICPEP-2 (2002) � Recommendations (Reproduced from EnviroNews April 2002).

  3. ICPEP-2 (2002) - Picture Gallery - Some glimpses of the conference.

The Conference was Co-sponsored by highly prestigious national and international agencies such as;

  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation,

  • �United Nations Environment Programme,

  • Third World Academy of Sciences,

  • �Committee of Science & Technology in Developing Countries,

  • Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries,

  • Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India,

  • Indian National Science Academy,

  • Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India,

  • Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India,

  • Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India,

  • Council of Science & Technology Govt. of UP.

ICPEP-3 (2005)

The Third International Conference was also held at Lucknow from 28th November to 2nd December 2005. It was attended by more than 400 delegates from 30 countries and proved to be a success from both scientific and cultural point of view. Apart from being an environmentalist's delight the Conference also provided opportunity to socialize and the city of Lucknow lived upto its tradition of hospitality.

Following documents of the Conference is available at this web site;

  1. ICPEP-3 (2005) - Report on Deliberations of Third International Conference on Plants & Environmental Pollution (ICPEP-3). The report also includes recommendations (Reproduced from EnviroNews February 2006).

  2. ICPEP-3 (2005) - Picture Gallery - Some glimpses of the conference.

  3. Scientific papers from the Souvenir released during the Conference.

  1. The Book of Abstracts in pdf format (825 KB).

The Conference was Co-sponsored by highly prestigious national and international agencies such as;

  • United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization, Paris

  • International Union of Biological Sciences, Paris

  • International Society of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Helsinki.

  • Indo-US Science & Technology Forum, Washington/New Delhi.

  • Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, Govt. of India.

  • Indian National Science Academy.

  • Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India.

  • Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India.

  • Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India.

  • Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources, Govt. of India.

  • AMITY.

  • U.P. Council of Science & Technology, Govt. of U.P.

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