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Brief Information about Lucknow

Lucknow (लखनऊ, لکھنؤ, Lakhnaū) a city of about 3 million people, is the capital city of Uttar Pradesh, the most populous state of India. Located in what was historically known as the Awadh region, Lucknow has always been a multicultural city. Courtly manners, beautiful gardens, poetry, music, and fine cuisine patronized by the erstwhile rulers of the city are well known amongst Indians and students of South Asian culture and history. Lucknow is popularly known as the The City of Nawabs. It is also known as the Golden City of the East, Shiraz-i-Hind and The Constantinople of India.

Besides being a historical city, it is a major research and educational centre with large concentration of biological, biomedical, agricultural, horticultural, palaeobotanical, engineering, technological and management institutes which are existing in harmony with equally prestigious centres of art, culture, music, theology, literature and education. ................ More information in Wikipedia.

How to Travel:

Lucknow located 500 km (300 Miles) east of New Delhi and is connected directly by rail/road with all metropolitan towns and major cities. Most of the trains have air-conditioned 2 or 3 tier sleeper coaches and few have air conditioned chair cars. There are several over night and day trains from Delhi and the super fast train takes about 6 � hours from New Delhi.

The city is also well connected by air with New Delhi, Mumbai, Calcutta, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, etc. It is also connected internationally with Sharjah, Dubai and Muscat. By the time ICPEP-4 takes place, it is expected that Lucknow will be connected with some more international cities.

Time Zone:

In India, a single uniform Indian Standard Time (IST) is followed round the year, through out the Country. �There is no day light saving scheme. IST is 5 � hours (5:30) ahead of GMT.

During the period of conference it is expected that the weather would be generally pleasant. The average day temperature is expected to be around 18-24o C (65-75o F), which may fall to 7 to 10o C (44-50o F) during the night. Normally there are no rains during this period.

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