Please bookmark and
regularly visit this page for latest update on the Conference!
Last and final call for Registration without paper presentation
Deadline for submission of abstracts (online or
by mail) |
Now Closed |
Deadline for concessional Registration
(electronic mail/mail) |
Now Closed |
Registration as a full delegate, with late fee
payment schedule,
but without paper presentation (By electronic
mail/mail). |
Still Open |
Submission of Abstract/presentation of paper is
not mandatory for Registration as a delegate.
Registration (Without paper presentation), at
Conference desk on 8th December 2010 acceptable
with prior permission. |
� |
It is mandatory for all
delegates to affix their passport size photograph (good quality coloured
photograph) on the Registration form.
foreign delegates
MUST provide their passport details (passport No, date and place of issue of
passport, date of expiry , father's name and nationality) in the
registration form.
Attention Student Delegates of ICPEP-4
As mentioned is our
conference circular, Post Docs. RAs, SRFs, JRFs, Project Fellow's, Project
Assistants, Research Scholars, drawing any stipend or those in employment,
are not eligible for registration as student delegates.
Registration of all such
individuals who have remitted registration fee (Rs.1500.00) as student
delegates will be rejected, unless they remit the balance amount
(Rs.1500.00) by 15th October 2010.
All those individuals who
wish to register as student delegates have to submit a certificate, duly
signed by heads of their Departments stating that they are not drawing any
Stipend/Fellowship etc. The certificate must reach the Conference
Secretariat before 15th October 2010. |
[Submission of Abstract]
Conference Circular] [Download
Venue |
Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow,
Lucknow]� [Lucknow
Map]� [Lucknow
December 2010
Organized by
Sponsored by
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
(CSIR), New Delhi |
Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi |
Deptt. of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science &
Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi
Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India, New
Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of
India, New Delhi |
Agilent Technologies |
Australian Government
Aid Program |
Monsanto Holdings Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi |
Murdoch University, Perth, Australia |
National Bank For Agriculture and Rural
Development (NABARD), Mumbai |
State Bank of India |
Dr. C.
S. Nautiyal
ISEB and Director NBRI
K. J. Ahmad
Secretary ISEB |
Secretariat -
Secretaries (ICPEP-4) |
K. J. Ahmad
Secretary ISEB |
Dr. R. D. Tripathi
Scientist & Head,
Ecotoxicology & Bioremediation Group NBRI |
All correspondence
should be addressed to;
Society of Environmental Botanists
Botanical Research Institute
Pratap Marg
[email protected] /
[email protected]
(Direct) +91-522-2205831 to 2205835 (PBX) Extn. 821
+91-522-2205836/2205839 -
FAX should be superscribed with �ICPEP-4�.
The official language of the Conference will be English.
Conference Information |
of the environmental concerns faced by the developed
countries following industrial revolution and resultant
economic boom and consumerism in the past are now
spreading to the developing countries as well. Among the
scourges faced by mankind today, environmental pollution
is in the forefront. In the greater part of the last
century, it was the fast pace of industrialization,
galloping demand for energy and reckless exploitation of
natural resources, in developed countries, that were
mainly responsible for creating the problem of
environmental pollution.
Current scenario is, however, vastly different, as
widespread poverty, illiteracy and burgeoning population
are leading to increasing environmental pollution at a
pace which were unimaginable only few decades earlier.
Climate change is the biggest threat faced by this
planet since �Ice Age�. There is now worldwide concern
about this impending disaster as geographical or
political boundaries are no more relevant in the present
scenario. When it comes to the hazards of environmental
pollution, there is only a very thin dividing line
between developed and developing countries. One pollutes
and the other suffers, equally, if not more.
improve communication and to exchange information
between scientists from various parts of the world, an
International Conference on Plants and Environmental
Pollution (ICPEP-1) was jointly organized by
International Society of Environmental Botanists and
National Botanical Research Institute Lucknow, India
during 26-30 November 1996. This highly successful
Conference, organized for the first time in this field
in India, was co-sponsored by several prestigious
international agencies and attended by nearly 200
delegates from India, U.K., U.S.A., Canada, Germany,
France, Japan, Sweden, Greece, Slovakia, Russia,
Philippines, The Netherlands, Malaysia, Nepal and Sri
the conclusion of the five-day meet, a set of
recommendations were drafted by a panel of experts which
were discussed at a plenary session and forwarded to
relevant national and international agencies for
implementation. While the Abstracts of the oral and
poster sessions were published and released during the
Conference, full Proceedings of the Conference entitled
�Environmental Stress: Indication, Mitigation and
Eco-conservation� was published later by Kluwer
Academics, The Netherlands.
the conclusion of the deliberations of ICPEP-1, the
delegates widely appreciated the genesis and outcome of
the Conference, and unanimously recommended to the
organizers (ISEB and NBRI), to organize such
international conferences on a regular basis after an
interval of three years or so. This suggestion was
accepted by the authorities of NBRI and ISEB.
Second International Conference on Plants &
Environmental Pollution (ICPEP-2), was organized at the
National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow (India)
from February 4-9, 2002. This Conference, which was
jointly organized by NBRI and ISEB, was co-sponsored by
some 11 national and international organizations. Some
300 participants including 50 scientists from 21
countries outside India, attended the Conference. Noted
Indian scientist and father of India�s �Green
Revolution� Prof. M.S. Swaminathan, F.R.S. inaugurated
the conference and gave the opening address on
�Biodiversity: An effective safety net against
environmental pollution�. Some eight technical sessions
and two satellite sessions, besides a valedictory
session, were held during the five-day Conference. In
addition to the many oral presentations, lead lectures
and invited lectures from some distinguished scientists
across the globe, 130 posters were displayed (mainly by
students) at the Conference.
some of the papers from the oral presentations at the
Conference were published in a Special Issue of
Environmental Pollution (Vol.126, 2003), which is a
highly prestigious international journal published by
Elsevier, another 52 papers (both oral and poster
presentations) have been published in the Conference
Proceedings entitled �Plant Response Under Environmental
Stress� published by I.B.D. Publishers.
diverse scientific interests of the Conference
participants and consequently its technical content
served as the basis for international communication and
exchange of ideas. Some 300 delegates from Argentina,
Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Finland,
Germany, India, Iran, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal,
Poland, Russia, Spain, Sri Lanka, U.K., U.S.A.,
Uzbekistan and Venezuela left the Conference with a
better mutual understanding of the overall issues and
the need for collaboration.
International Conference on Plants and Environmental
Pollution (ICPEP-3) was jointly organized by ISEB and
NBRI during 28th November to 2nd December 2005 at NBRI ,
Lucknow. The conference provided a vibrant forum for
serious discussions and deliberations on the burning
problem of environmental pollution and the role of
plants in its bio-indication and remediation. The
conference was inaugurated by His Excellency Shri T.V.
Rajeswar, the Governor of Uttar Pradesh in the presence
of nearly 500 five hundred distinguished guests and
delegates on 28th November 2005
four day scientific programme that followed was attended
by over 350 delegates representing R& D organizations
from India and 30 foreign countries. The scientific
programme was divided into eight technical sessions and
a daylong poster presentation.
special ' start up' meeting on Air Pollution Crops
Effects Network (APCEN) was concurrently
organized�jointly by ENVIS-NBRI and Regional Air
Pollution in Developing Countries (RAPIDC) on 29th
November. Dr. Lisa Emberson of Stockholm Environment
Institute gave an overview of the RAPIDC programme at
this meeting.
the conclusions of the deliberations in Lucknow, a
daylong satellite session was organized by Prof.
Muhammad Iqbal at the Botany department of Jamia Hamdard
(Hamdard University),New Delhi on 4th December 2005.This
seminar, focusing specially on medicinal plants in
relation to environmental pollution, was inaugurated by
the Chairman of University Grants Commission of India
Prof. V.N. Rajasekhar Pillai.
As in
the past, the Fourth International Conference (ICPEP-4)
will be jointly organized by
International Society of
Environmental Botanists (ISEB)
and National Botanical Research
Institute (NBRI), Lucknow, India. This
Conference aims to provide an international forum for
serious discussions and deliberations on the burning
problem of environmental pollution and the role of
plants in pollution indication and remediation and such
related issues as biodiversity conservation, sustainable
development, climate change and effects of pollution on
agriculture, food productivity, forestry and human
health. Some 300 eminent environmental scientists,
academicians, young research students, NGOs, government
officials, and managers of industry are expected to
participate in this prestigious multi-disciplinary
Conference. Over 100 distinguished environmental
scientists and students from overseas, both developed
and developing countries are expected to attend this
India, with a population well over a billion people, is
home to one-sixth of the humanity. It is a developing
country, where its teeming millions suffer from poverty,
illiteracy, malnutrition resulting in severe degradation
in environmental quality and ill health. However, with
its strong industrial base, sound infra-structure and
phenomenal progress in science and technology, it is
poised to become a developed country in not too distant
future. It is, therefore, ideally suited to host a
conference of this type and magnitude. Because of its
sheer size and population, what India does today, will
have its impact on the entire planet tomorrow. This is
more likely in the areas of environment, biodiversity
conservation and sustainable development. Entire global
community, therefore, has a vested interest in
supporting and sustaining any move for protection of
environment and biodiversity conservation in this
International Advisory Committee with some of the most
reputed and highly distinguished environmental and plant
scientists has been constituted to guide and advice in
planning and organizing this Conference. |
Areas/Disciplines of the Conference
The Conference will cover following
broad areas/disciplines:
Bioindication & Bioremediation
Environmental biotechnology
education, Mass awareness and Legislation
Environmental Impact
Assessment and Eco-auditing
Environment and
Plant Responses to
Environmental Pollution
Climate change - Plant productivity and food
Impacts of Air
Pollution and Climate Change on Forest Ecosystems - in collaboration with
International Union of Forest Research
Organizations, (IUFRO) Vienna, Austria - Special one day concurrent/satellite
Agriculture & Food
Aquatic Ecosystems.
Human health.
Role of botanic
gardens in climate change research.
Contemporary environmental issues;
9. Biotechnology, GM Food &
Environmental Safety (Special Session)
Procedure for Submission of
Abstract |
Abstract of Paper:
Abstract not exceeding one A-4 page is to be typed in
�Times New Roman� 12 pt normal font, single line spacing
and should include:
Title of Paper in BLOCK letter
Name of author(s) in italics with an asterisk (*)
marked against the name of the presenting author,
5 to 6 key words
Main body
Author(s)� primary institutional affiliations using
superscript numerals including full address of all
the authors (s) up to town and country and their
E-mail IDs.
copies of Abstract, along with duly filled registration
form, complete in all respects (including a passport
size coloured photograph of the delegate duly pasted on
the form) and, Bank draft of the Registration fee should
be mailed to the Organizing Secretaries ICPEP-4,
International Society of Environmental Botanists,
National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow-226001,
India. Payment of registration fee along with the
Registration fee is not mandatory and it can also be
paid at the Registration counter of the conference but,
for inclusion of the abstract in the Book of Abstracts
and for availing fee concession the registration fee
must be remitted before 30th September 2010 positively.
electronic version of the abstract should simultaneously
be e-mailed to Dr. Ms. Nandita Singh, Convener,
Publications Committee, ICPEP-4 on
[email protected] with CC to the Organizing
Secretaries, ICPEP-4 on
[email protected]
Last date for submission of abstract is 10th October
Oral presentation:
presentations will be of 15 minutes duration, including
discussions. Overhead, 35mm projection, LCD/CD and other
electronic multimedia facilities will be available for
space given for the poster would be 1.5m (height) x 1.2m
(width). Please ensure that your poster will fit into
this space. All other details of design and format are
up to the author(s), who will themselves display their
posters at their respective poster sessions. Necessary
materials for posting the displays will be provided by
the organizers.
Full Papers:
papers need not be submitted presently. If, and when, a
decision is taken by the Organizing Committee regarding
publication of the Proceedings of ICPEP-4, an
International committee of Experts will scrutinize all
presentations (oral/poster) made during sessions of the
Conference and short list the individuals from whom the
full papers will be invited for publication. |
Registration and Registration
registration please
the registration form and send it duly filled to the
Conference Secretariat.
Registration fee payable per person for various
categories of delegates is as follows
Category: |
Indian/SAARC Residents |
Foreign National/NRIs |
� |
Up to 10/10/2010
After 10/10/2010 |
Up to 10/10/2010 |
After 10/10/2010 |
Member of ISEB |
Rs. 2500 |
Rs. 3500 |
US $ 350 |
US $ 400 |
Non Member |
Rs. 3000 |
Rs. 4000 |
US $ 400 |
US $ 450 |
Students* |
Rs. 1500 |
Rs. 2500 |
US $ 150 |
US $ 200 |
Accompanying person |
Rs. 1500 |
Rs. 2500 |
US $ 175 |
US $ 225 |
RAs, SRFs, JRFs, Project Fellows, Project Assistants,
and those in employment, are not eligible for student
Delegates from SAARC countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh,
Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka) can
pay either in Indian currency or US $.
(Note: The registration fee does not include hotel,
boarding and lodging charges) |
Mode of Payment |
Registration fee and other charges are to be paid by
Bank Draft drawn in favour of "International Society of
Environmental Botanists, Lucknow, India Account No.
10863773327" payable at the State Bank of India,
NBRI Branch, Lucknow.
Overseas delegates can also remit by electronic transfer
using SWIFT Code SBININBB157 payable to
International Society of Environmental Botanists Lucknow
A/c. No. 10863773327 at State Bank of India,
NBRI Branch, Lucknow.
Cheques/credit cards will not be accepted. |
Accommodation |
Lucknow has several 3-5 star hotels of international
standards as well as many good economy/budget hotels.
Delegates may arrange their own accommodation.
limited accommodation (2/3 person per room) may also be
available in the guest houses/ hostels of local R & D
institutes, details of which will be provided in next
facilitate hotel/tour bookings etc a conference travel
agent has been appointed. For all your travel, local
tours and hotel accommodation requirements/queries etc.
please contact the
authorized travel agent of the conference. |
Authorized Travel Agent
of the Conference |
Mr. S. Banerji
Branch Manager
J Trade-Wings (Pvt.) Ltd.,
110 Shalimar Square (First Floor)
B.N. Road, Lalbagh, Lucknow-226001, India.
+91-522-2612099, +91-522-2285194; Fax:
+91-522-2285194, +91-522-2626591
+91-9335911433; E-mail:
[email protected] |
Visa for foreign delegates |
Before planning your journey Please contact Indian
Embassy/Consulate/High Commission in your country
regarding the visa requirements. |
Organizing Committees |
APEX Advisory committee (AAC)
Singh, Dr. B.P.
Ahmad, Dr. K.J.
Chandra, Dr. Prakash
Kulshreshtha, Dr. Kamla
Rai, Dr. U. N
Sharma, Dr. S.C
Singh, Dr. Nandita
Sinha, Dr. Sarita
Srivastava, Ms. Kant
Tripathi, Dr. R.D
Tripathi, Prof. R.S.
International Advisory committee
Prof. V.L. Chopra, FNA (India)
Prof. M.S. Swaminathan, FRS (India)
Dr. R.K. Pachauri, FNA (India)
Prof. S.K. Brahmachari, FNA (India)
Prof. Sir G.T. Prance, FRS (U.K.)
Dr. P. V. Sane, (India)
Dr. Rakesh Tuli, FNA (India)
Dr. C. S. Nautiyal
Aneja, Prof. Viney P (U.S.A)
Bell, Prof. J.N.B. (U.K.)
Bhatia, Dr. C.R., FNA (India)
Crang, Prof. Richard F.E.(U.S.A.)
Dekok, Prof. L.J. (The Netherlands)
Domingos, Dr. Marisa (Brazil)
Emberson, Dr. Lisa D. (U.K)
Gimeno, Dr B. Sanchez (Spain)
Grantz, Prof. David A. (U.S.A)
Greenway, Prof. M. (Australia)
Grill, Prof. Erwin (Germany)
Huttunen, Prof. Ms. Satu (Finland)
Karlsson, Dr. Pererik (Sweden)
Khush, Prof. Gurdev S. FRS (U.S.A)
Klumpp, Dr. Andreas (Germany)
Krupa, Prof.Sagar V. (U.S.A)
Legge, Dr. Allan H. (Canada)
Ma, Prof. L.Q. (U.S.A)
Maathuis, Dr. F.J. (U.K)
Murooka, Prof. Y. (Japan)
Oksanen, Prof. Elina (Finland)
Paoletti, Dr. Elena (Italy)
Rosen, Prof. Barry P. (U.S.A)
Sawahel, Dr. Wagdy (Egypt)
Schaub, Dr. M. (Switzerland)
Singh, Prof. J.S., FNA (India)
Tandon, Prof. Pramod (India)
Tao, Prof. S. (China)
Terry, Prof. Norman (U.S.A)
Trevor, Prof. J.T. (Canada)
Tripathi, Prof. R.S. FNA (India)
Wahid, Dr. A. (Pakistan)
Wong, Prof. M.H. (Hong Kong, China)
� |
organizing committee
Dr. P.V.
Sane, FNA (Past President ISEB & Ex-Director,
NBRI (Lucknow)
Abrol, Prof. Y.P. FNA (New Dehli)
Agrawal, Prof. Madhoolika (Varanasi)
Ahuja, Dr. P.S. (Palampur, H.P.)
Ambasht, Prof. R.S. (Varanasi)
Attri, Prof. A.K. (JNU, New Delhi)
Barik, Prof. S.K. (NEHU, Shillong)
Chaphekar, Prof. S.B. (Mumbai)
Dhumal, Prof. K.N. (Pune Univ.)
Iqbal, Prof. Muhammad (New Delhi)
Jamil, Dr. Kaiser (Hyderabad)
Jerath, Dr. Neelima (Chandigarh)
Kulshreshtha, Prof. A.P (New Delhi)
Palni, Dr. L.M.S. (Almora)
Prasad, Prof. M.N.V. (Hyderabad)
Roy, Dr. P.S. (Hyderabad)
Singh, Prof. K.P. (Varanasi)
Uprety, Dr. D.C. (ICAR, New Delhi)
Varshney, Prof. C.K. (New Delhi)
Wahab, Dr. Seema (New Delhi)
Yunus, Prof. Mohd. (Lucknow)
Scientific Programme Committee
Varshney, Prof. C.K. (New Delhi)
Agrawal, Prof. Madhoolika (BHU Varansi)
Chakrabarty, Dr. Debasis (NBRI Lucknow)
Dhawan, Dr. Shashi (NRLC, Lucknow) Gupta, Dr.
D.K. (Spain)
Kulshreshtha, Dr. Kamla (NBRI Lucknow)
Lavania, Prof. Seshu (Lucknow Univ.)
Mallick, Dr. Shekhar (NBRI Lucknow)
Mishra, Dr. Kumkum (Lucknow Univ.)
Pandey, Dr. Vivek (NBRI Lucknow)
Rai, Dr. U.N. (NBRI Lucknow)
Singh, Dr. Nandita (NBRI Lucknow)
Singh, Dr. P.K. (NBRI Lucknow)
Sinha, Dr. Sarita (NBRI Lucknow)
Srivastava, Dr. Pankaj (NBRI Lucknow)
Suseela, Dr. M.R. (NBRI Lucknow)
Trivedi, Dr. Prabodh (NBRI Lucknow)
Tripathi, Dr. Rudra Deo (NBRI Lucknow)
Publication committee
Singh, Dr. Nandita
� |
International Conferences organized by ISEB/NBRI.
26-30 November 1996.
ICPEP-2 - 04-09 February 2002.
28th November to 2nd
December 2005.