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Third International Conference on

Plants & Environmental Pollution (ICPEP-3)

 28 November to 2 December 2005

ICPEP-3 International Advisory Committee



Prof. M. S. Swaminathan (India)


Prof. V. L. Chopra (India)


Dr. R. A. Mashelkar (India)




Dr. P. Pushpangadan (India)




Prof. Nurudeen O. Adedipe (Nigeria)

Dr. Peter Wyse Jackson (U.K.)

Prof. Michael O. Angelidis (Greece)

Dr. Andreas Klumpp (Germany)

Prof. Trevor W. Ashenden (U.K.)

Prof. Nobuyuki Kobayashi (Japan)

Dr. Jeremy D. Barnes (UK)

Prof. Sagar V. Krupa (U.S.A.)

Prof. J. N. B. Bell (UK)

Dr. Allan H. Legge (Canada)

Dr. C. R. Bhatia (India)

Prof. William J. Manning (U.S.A.)

Prof. Hans Brix (Denmark)

Prof. Yoshikatsu Murooka (Japan)

Prof. Richard F. E. Crang (U.S.A.)

Prof. Frank Murray (Australia)

Dr. Luit J. De Kok (The Netherlands)

Prof. Sir Ghillean T. Prance, FRS (U.K.)

Dr. Lisa D. Emberson (U.K.)

Dr. P. V. Sane (India)

Dr. Jan Willem Erisman (The Netherlands)

Dr. Maria J. Sanz (Spain)

Prof. Osvaldo A. Fernández (Argentina)

Prof. J S Singh (India)

Dr. Jean-Pierre Garrec (France)

Ms. Mieke van Tienhoven (South Africa)

Prof. David A. Grantz (U.S.A.)

Dr. Luigi Sanita di Toppi (Italy)

Dr. Margaret Greenway (Australia)

Prof. M.H. Wong (China)

Prof. Erwin Grill (Germany)

Prof. P. A. J. Yapa (Sri Lanka)

Prof. Vernon H. Heywood (U.K.)

Dr. Talal Younès (IUBS - Paris)

Prof. Tahir Husain (Canada)

Dr. K. J. Ahmad (India) - Convener

Prof. Satu Huttunen (Finland)


ICPEP-3 National Organizing Committee*



Prof. M. K. Bhan (New Delhi)




Prof. Madhoolika Agrawal (Varanasi)

Dr. Rajendra Prasad (New Delhi)

Prof. R. S. Dubey (Varanasi)

Prof. P. S. Ramakrishnan (New Delhi)

Prof. Raghavendra Gadagkar (Bangalore)

Prof. R. R. Rao (Bangalore)

Prof. Madhav Gadgil (Bangalore)

Prof. P. K. Seth (Lucknow)

Dr. Brij Gopal (New Delhi)

Dr. Vineeta Sharma (New Delhi)

Prof. Y. K. Gupta (Lucknow)

Dr. R. P. Singh (Rohtak)

Prof. Muhammad Iqbal (New Delhi)

Prof. S. P. Singh (Srinagar, Garhwal)

Dr. R. K. Jain (Chandigarh)

Dr. Sudhanshu Sinha (New Delhi)

Prof. Arun P. Kulshreshtha (New Delhi)

Prof. S. C. Srivastava (Lucknow)

Dr. Shyam Lal (New Delhi)

Prof. Promod Tandon (Shillong)

Dr. N. C. Mehrotra (Lucknow)

Prof. B. D. Tripathi (Varanasi)

Dr. Sunita Narain (New Delhi)

Prof. R. S. Tripathi (Lucknow)

Dr. S. Natesh (New Delhi)

Dr. Rakesh Tuli (Lucknow)

Dr. L. M. S. Palni (Pant Nagar)

Prof. C. K. Varshney (New Delhi)

Prof. B. B. Panda (Berhampur)

Dr. Seema Wahab (New Delhi)

Prof. G. C. Pandey (Faizabad)

Dr. H. M. Behl. - Convener

Prof. M. N. V. Prasad (Hyderabad)



* Consent of some members is awaited.


ICPEP-3 APEX Committee



Dr. P. Pushpangadan




Dr. H.M. Behl

Dr. S.C. Sharma

Dr. Prakash Chandra

Dr. B.P. Singh

Dr. Kamla Kulshreshtha

Dr. R.D. Tripathi

Prof. N.K. Mehrotra

Dr. K.J. Ahmad – Convener

Dr. P.V. Sane


ICPEP-3 Publications Committee

Dr. Kamla Kulshreshtha

Dr. R.D. Tripathi

Dr. U.N. Rai

Mr. Deepak Wahal

Dr. Sarita Sinha

Dr. Nandita Singh – Convener

Dr. M.R. Suseela


 ISEB Executive Committee



Dr. P. Pushpangadan


Vice Presidents


Dr. S.C. Sharma

Dr. K. J. Ahmad

Prof. C. K. Varshney


Prof. H. N. Verma

Dr. Prakash Chandra

Members of the Executive

Joint Secretaries

Dr. Mrs. Madhoolika Agrawal

Dr. Kamla Kulshreshtha

Dr. Ms. Shashi Dhawan

Dr. Seshu Lavania

Dr. Mrs. Anjum Farooqui


Prof. M. Iqbal

Prof. J. N. B. Bell

Prof. Shashi Kant

Prof. Richard F.E. Crang

Prof. N. K. Mehrotra

Prof. S. V. Krupa

Dr. L. M. S. Palni

Prof. Sir Ghillean T. Prance

Prof. S .H. Raza

Dr. P. V. Sane

Dr. R.D. Tripathi

Dr. B. P. Singh

Prof. C. L. Verma


Prof. Mohd. Yunus


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