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Third International Conference on

Plants & Environmental Pollution (ICPEP-3)

28 November to 2 December�2005

Genesis and Objectives

Many of the concerns faced by the developed countries in the past are now shifting to developing countries. Among the scourges faced by mankind today, environmental pollution is in the forefront. In the greater part of the last century it was the fast pace of industrialization, galloping demand for energy and reckless exploitation of natural resources in developed countries that were mainly responsible for creating the problem of environmental pollution.

Our current scenario is, however, vastly different, as widespread poverty, illiteracy and burgeoning population are leading to increasing environmental pollution at a pace which was unimaginable only two decades earlier. The threat of global warming is now being felt across the world, and geographical or political boundaries are no longer relevant in this present scenario. When it comes to the hazards of environmental pollution, there is only a very thin dividing line between developed and developing countries. One pollutes and the other suffers � there are no eventual winners without significant changes globally.

This Conference aims to provide an international forum for serious discussions and deliberations on the burning problem of environmental pollution, the emerging role of plants in pollution indication and remediation, and such related issues as biodiversity conservation, sustainable development, climate change and the effects of pollution on agriculture, food productivity, forestry and human health.

India, with a population well over a billion people, is home to one-sixth of the world�s humanity. It is a developing country; where its teeming millions suffer greatly from poverty, illiteracy, and malnutrition resulting in severe degradation of environmental quality and ill health. However, with its strong industrial base, sound infrastructure and phenomenal progress in science and technology, it is poised to become a developed country in the not too distant future. It is, therefore, ideally suited to host a conference of this type and magnitude. Because of its sheer size and population, what India does today will have its impact on the entire planet tomorrow. This is especially significant in the areas of environment, biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.� The entire global community, therefore, has a vested interest in supporting and sustaining any move for the protection of environment and biodiversity conservation.

Earlier Conferences:

To improve communication and to exchange information between scientists from various parts of the world, an International Conference on Plants and Environmental Pollution (ICPEP-1) was jointly organized by International Society of Environmental Botanists and National Botanical Research Institute Lucknow, India during 26-30 November 1996. This highly successful Conference, organized for the first time in this field in India, was co-sponsored by several prestigious international agencies and attended by nearly 200 delegates from India, U.K., U.S.A., Canada, Germany, France, Japan, Sweden, Greece, Slovakia, Russia, Philippines, The Netherlands, Malaysia, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

On the conclusion of the deliberations of ICPEP-1, the delegates widely appreciated the genesis and outcome of the Conference, and unanimously recommended to the organizers (ISEB and NBRI), to organize such international conferences on a regular basis after an interval of three years or so. This suggestion was accepted by the authorities of NBRI and ISEB.

The Second International Conference on Plants & Environmental Pollution (ICPEP-2), was organized at the National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow (India) from February 4-9, 2002. This Conference, which was jointly organized by NBRI and ISEB, was co-sponsored by some 11 national and international organizations. Some 300 participants including 50 scientists from 21 countries outside India, attended the Conference. Noted Indian scientist and father of India�s �Green Revolution� Prof. M.S. Swaminathan, F.R.S. inaugurated the conference and gave the opening address on �Biodiversity: An effective safety net against environmental pollution�. Some eight technical sessions and two satellite sessions, besides a valedictory session, were held during the five-day Conference. In addition to the many oral presentations, lead lectures and invited lectures from some distinguished scientists across the globe, 130 posters were displayed (mainly by students) at the Conference.

The diverse scientific interests of the Conference participants and consequently its technical content served as the basis for international communication and exchange of ideas. Some 300 delegates from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Finland, Germany, India, Iran, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sri Lanka, U.K., U.S.A., Uzbekistan and Venezuela left the Conference with a better mutual understanding of the overall issues and the need for future collaboration.

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