Instructions to intending authours/contributors |
to paucity of space (being a 12 page quarto size quarterly
newsletter) only
invited articles are published
in EnviroNews. |
articles from
life members of ISEB are, however, considered
for publication, subject to the recommendations of the
reviewers. |
The article should be
based on author's own research work or, it could be a review
article on a general topic related to environment or plant
science. It should be limited to a maximum of 5-6 typed
pages. Electronic submission of article through
E-mail is
preferred. |
equations, formulae, graphs, charts, photographs and
literature references are not published. |
Other members
and non-members are,
however, welcome to submit for publication, �Letters�,
�Conference announcements�, �books� and matter related to
�News flash� and �News and views�. |
correspondence regarding EnviroNews should be addressed to
the Secretary, International Society of Environmental
National Botanical Research Institute Campus, Rana Pratap
Marg, Lucknow-226001, India (E-mail:
[email protected]) |