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Instructions to intending authours/contributors


Due to paucity of space (being a 12 page quarto size quarterly newsletter) only invited articles are published in EnviroNews.


Unsolicited articles from life members of ISEB are, however, considered for publication, subject to the recommendations of the reviewers.


The article should be based on author's own research work or, it could be a review article on a general topic related to environment or plant science. It should be limited to a maximum of 5-6 typed pages. Electronic submission of article through E-mail is preferred.


Scientific equations, formulae, graphs, charts, photographs and literature references are not published.


Other members and non-members are, however, welcome to submit for publication, �Letters�, �Conference announcements�, �books� and matter related to �News flash� and �News and views�.


All correspondence regarding EnviroNews should be addressed to the Secretary, International Society of Environmental Botanists, National Botanical Research Institute Campus, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow-226001, India (E-mail: [email protected])

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