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EnviroNews is official news letter of International Society of Environmental Botanists (ISEB). It is published quarterly every January/April/July/October and it carries highly informative articles, news, and views on environment, biodiversity conservation, sustainable development, plant life, health and nutrition.


The newsletter is distributed free to all members of ISEB. It is also circulated in gratis to a large number of academic institutions, government departments, universities, industrial houses, distinguished individuals and NGOs across the globe.


EnviroNews caters to a wide range of readers, including those who are not trained scientists but are deeply interested in current environmental issues. Our endeavor is to target governmental policy makers, industry leaders and lay readers to educate them about latest scientific advancements.


Due to our limited resources sponsorship or advertisements are solicited from leading industrial/business houses, private/public sector undertakings and NGOs to meet the cost for the publication of individual issues of EnviroNews.


For Sponsoring/advertisement charges or any further clarification/information, please contact The Secretary, International Society of Environmental Botanists, National Botanical Research Institute Campus, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow-226001 (India). Tel. (+91-522)-2205831 to 35 Extn. 223, Fax : (+91-522)-2205836. E-mail: [email protected]


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