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Plant Response to Environmental Stress

The book entitled Plant Response to Environmental Stress is an outcome of selected presentations made during the International Conference on Plants and Environmental Pollution (ICPEP-2). It contains contributions from leading subject experts from 21 countries. The volume has been structured under seven sections viz., climate change; environmental pollution and biodiversity; environmental biotechnology; bioremediation and bioindication; mass awareness; legislation and economic impact; and improvement, protection and utilization of plants in relation to environment. This break up broadly reflects the scientific sessions, which were organized during ICPEP-2.

The book addresses the diversities of environmental contamination, evaluates the problems and disturbances, which they cause to the biotic as well as abiotic components of the ecosystems, and indicates strategies that are being developed to salvage the situation.

The book is an effort to bring together in one volume the enormous body of knowledge that has accumulated regarding the impact of pollution on plants. The book will advance scientific research on environmental problems, promote global awareness regarding the severity of the problem and may hopefully stimulate corrective measures.

The book should interest not only the students and researchers of environmental botany, ecology and forestry, but also those who love plants and have any interest in global environmental health.

ISBN 81-8189-055-8
Price Rs. : 1700/-

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Tripathi R. D.
Kulshreshtha Kamla
Agrawal Madhoolika
Ahmad K. J.
Varshney C. K.
Krupa Sagar V.
Pushpangadan P.

Editorial Board
Dr. H. M. Behl
Dr. Prakash Chandra
Dr. A. K. Goel
Dr. Amit Pal
Dr U.N. Rai
Dr. S. C. Sharma
Dr. B. P. Singh
Dr. Mukta Singh
Dr.  Nandita Singh
Dr. Sarita Sinha
Dr. Kanti Srivastava

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