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EnviroNews is official news letter of ISEB It is published quarterly every January/April/July/October.


EnviroNews caters to a wide range of readers, including those who are not trained scientists but are deeply interested in current environmental issues Our endeavor is to target governmental policy makers, industry leaders and lay readers to educate them about latest scientific advancements.


Complete issue of EnviroNews (in pdf format) and articles of interest (in HTML) are available at this web site.


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Vol. 26 No. 1 - January 2020

January 2020 Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Sustainability Bottlenecks in Technology-Led Solutions for Arsenic Mitigation Programs in Indian Subcontinent by Aditya Vikram Agarwal and Rana Pratap Singh.

  2. Moss - Efficient Monitors of Air Pollution with Heavy Metals by Naser A. Anjum

  3. The Role of Giloy as an Indian Medicinal Herb by Babita Kumari and Hitesh Solanki

October 2019 Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Emerging Green Technologies for Combating Environmental Pollution and their Usefulness in Sustainability Education by Dr. U. N. Rai

  2. Sacred Forests in the Central Western Ghats as a Unique Ecosystems for Lichen Conservation by Sumesh N. Dudani, Siljo Joseph and Sanjeeva Nayaka

  3. Study on the relation among Agriculture and Forests by Babita Kumari

July 2019 Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Interaction with pathogenic microbes and plant in the domestic sewage: Natural treatment systems by P. Kanaujia and M.P. Srivastava.
  2. Plant Based Packages for the Phytomonitoring and Phytoremediation of Lindane by V. Tripathi, P.C. Abhilash and N. Singh.

  3. Effect of elevated CO2 on Two Varieties of Guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) Plants by S. Mehrotra, A. Praveen, K.P. Tripathi and N. Singh

April 2019 Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Rudraksh: Prospect for population expansion by Conservation Through Cultivation approach by M.L. Khan & R.S. Tripathi

  2. Phytoremediation of Indoor Organic Air Pollution Using House Plants by Seemaa Ghate

  3. Seaweeds Role on Biosorption and Biomonitoring of Metal Pollution by Babita Kumari, Prasant Roy & P.R. Trivedi

January 2019 Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. A Report on the Sixth International Conference on Plants and Environmental Pollution (ICPEP-6) by Nandita Singh, R.D. Tripathi & Vivek Pandey

October 2018 Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Assessment of ecosystem services from sacred groves of India by SK Barik, Rashmi Rekha Gogoi, Saralyn Kharbhih, Blessing Suchiang, Ibadahun Mary Nonghuloo, D. Adhikari, K. Upadhaya, KC Malhotra, RS Tripathi

  2. Strategies to reduce arsenic uptake by rice by Nandita Singh

  3. Mining and Human Health Hazards by Babita Kumari & O. P. Dwevedi

July 2018 Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Role of microorganisms in reclamation of coal-mine spoils by R S Upadhyay and Richa Raghuwanshi

April 2018 Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Indian Agriculture: Tradition in Transition by Dimple Khatri, A. Arunachalam and K. Arunachalam

  2. Issues related to Sustainable Management of Forests of Northeast India by B.K. Tiwari

January 2018 Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Sea Level Rise and Cross Border Migrants - An Arduous Challenge by By: C.K. Varshney

  2. Ladybird Beetles: An Ecofriendly Agent for Pest Management By: Omkar

October 2017 Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Dairy waste and a lush green campus - A journey by Anju Rani, Pradeep K. Sharma Nishant Rai, L.M.S Palni

  2. Shift in plant species distribution and regeneration potential due to global warming and climate change in Himalayan region by Ashish Kr. Mishra and Rana Pratap Singh

July 2017 Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Environmental challenge and opportunity by Prof. C.K. Varshney

April 2017 Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Let�s save the self from self-inflicted pollution by K. Kohli

January 2017 Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Proceedings of 22nd Foundation Day of International Society of Environmental Botanist by Shivani Srivastana and Nandita Singh

  2. Free Air Concentration Enrichment Facility (FACE) by Dr. Vivek Pandey

  3. Food Security vs. Environment by C. R. Bhatia

  4. Plastics and the Environment by Indian Centre for Plastics in the Environment

October 2016 Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Multifunctional Role of Selenium for Reducing Arsenic Risk in Crop Plants and Humans by Preeti Tripathi and Rudra Deo Tripathi

  2. Nuclei of the plant cells are the first loading site for arsenic by Seema Mishra

  3. New techniques to manage post-harvest diseases of fruits and vegetables by Madhu Prakash Srivastava

  4. Challenges of Dissemination of Accurate Scientific and Technical Information in the South Asian Print Media by Saikat Kumar Basu

July 2016 Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Adapt or perish, says the Nature by Dr. V.K. Joshi

  2. Silvopastoral Systems and Biodiversity by F.J. Solorio and S.K. Basu

  3. Cutting meat and dairy intake is beneficial for health, the environment and climate by Christer �gren

April 2016 Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Role of Cryptogam in Environmental Biomonitoring by Vertika Shukla and D.K. Upreti

  2. Lead on the Plate: Phytoremediation a Promising Approach by Chandra Shekhar Seth

  3. How air toxins hurt insidiously by Ms. Sanchita Sharma

  4. Human-wildlife conflicts in India: A direct consequence of illegal encroachment into forests by Saikat Kumar Basu

January 2016 Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Ecotoxicology and remediation of agricultural soils polluted with lead in Argentina by J.H. Rodriguez, M.J. Salazar, C. Vergara Cid, A. Blanco, M.L. Pignata

  2. Construction of mega dams on the upper reaches of Brahmaputra has serious ecological and economic implications for the Indian subcontinent by Saikat Kumar Basu.

  3. Heavy metals and food security by Ashita Sharma, Simran Kaur and Avinash Kaur Nagpal.

October 2015 Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Resurrection Plants and Drought Tolerance by Farah Deeba and Vivek Pandey.

  2. Garbage to gold: An untapped approach towards sustainability by Garima Dixit, Amit Pal Singh, Amit Kumar, Atul Upadhyay, Rudra Deo Tripathi

  3. Economy, progressive culture and support better environmental protection and conservation initiatives for the Indian subcontinent by Saikat Kumar Basu

July 2015 Download pdf[Clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Arsenic: A dreaded threat to the Environment, Causes and Remedies by Ruma Ranjan, A.K. Upadhyay, Navin Kumar, A.K. Dubey, U. N. Rai and S. N. Pandey

  2. Syngonium podophyllum 'Maza Red', as Indoor Phytomonitor by Seemaa Ghate

  3. Butchart Gardens: An Example for Positive Socio-Environmental Transformation by S. K. Basu and W. Cetzal-Ix

  4. Crop Productivity, Environmental Stress and Global Climate Change: the Next Green Revolution? by Norman P.A. Huner

April 2015 Download pdf[Clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Report and Recommendations - 5th International Conference on Plants & Environmental Pollution (ICPEP-5) by Nandita Singh

February 2015 (ICPEP-5 Souvenir) Download pdf [Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Freshwater Scarcity: Quantity, Quality, Food Security, Health Effects and Management issues Mainly in Developing Countries by Dipankar Chakraborti & Bhaskar Das

  2. Climate Change Studies in India with Various Approaches, Simulation and Modeling by Dr. S B Pal

  3. Plants Adaptations in Different Habitats by Shivani Srivastava and Nandita Singh

January 2015 Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Impact of Climate Change on the Adaptation of Plant Species in Western Himalaya by Dr. Sanjay Kumar

  2. Orchids: Flagship species for monitoring sensitive global ecosystems by S. K. Basu and W. Cetzal-Ix

  3. Role of Prokaryotes for Arsenic Reduction and Detoxification in Rice by Afroz Ali and U.N. Rai

  4. Ecosystem services and need to integrate them in developing environmental management strategies by R. S. Tripathi

October 2014Download pdf[Clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Economic development and saving environment by Rajni Kant (India)

  2. Problems of Ganga - a holistic view by K. Chandramouli (India)

  3. Interior Plantscaping for Cozy and Healthy Indoor Environment by Shilpi Singh and R.K. Roy (India)

  4. Indiscriminate botanical specimen collection: A serious threat to endangered species of plants by Saikat Kumar Basu (Canada)

July 2014Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. In Memoriam: A Tribute to Prof. Sagar Krupa by Dr. Mar�a de Lourdes de la Isla de Bauer

  2. Urban green space and landscapes: key to clean and healthy environment by R. K. Roy, R. Rastogi, S. Singh and R. Prasad

  3. Water, excess or shortage is bad by V. K. Joshi

  4. Cyathea � a tree fern and endemic genus by Dr. G. Mohan Narasimha Rao

April 2014Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Fifth International Conferences on Plants & Environmental Pollution (ICPEP-5) - Conference Information, Registration and Call for Papers etc.

January 2014Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Lichens as Sentinels of Atmospheric Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in India by Vertika Shukla and D. K. Upreti

  2. Arsenic: a toxicant by Saumya Srivastava and Yogesh Kumar Sharma

  3. Salicornia brachiata � a boon to saline soils by G.M. Narasimha Rao

  4. Come out and claim the road by Sunita Narain

October 2013Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. New generation eco-friendly plant nutrients for sustainable agriculture by Rana P. Singh, Sanjeev Kumar, Manish Sainger, Anurag Kumar Singh

  2. Uttarakhand Disaster 2013 - Floods and Landslides: Lessons of Ecology Not Yet Learnt by Anil K Gupta, Sreeja S. Nair and Mohammad Yunus

July 2013Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Application of Essential oils: an alternative method for controlling post harvest losses by Madhu Prakash Srivastava and Neeta Sharma.

  2. Algae: The Source of Hydrogen Energy by S. K. Mandotra, M. R. Suseela, P.W. Ramteke

April 2013Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Environmental Issues Of Educational Institutions by S. K. Srivastava.

  2. Betel-Vine (Piper Betle) A Pan-Asiatic Cultural Plant In The Process Of Reclaiming Its Past Glory by Nikhil Kumar.

  3. Global Challenges And Role Of Environmental Botanists by C. R. Bhatia.

January 2013Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Biotech Park, Lucknow by Prof. P.K.Seth

  2. Azotobacter chroococcum: A Potential Organism in the Management of Crop Yield and Quality under Fly Ash Amendment by Nikita Parab, Seema Mishra and S. R. Bhonde

  3. Role of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi In Phytoremediation by Neelima Ratti and Avinash Upadhyay

October 2012�Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Remote Sensing and GIS for Forest Monitoring and Management by S P S Kushwaha

  2. Planning Ecocities for maintaining the quality of Urban ecosystems by Swadesh Kumar, Venkatesh Dutta, Sadhna Jain and Deepika Sharma

  3. Seaweeds: A Staple Food for 21st Century by Babita Kumari and Vinay Sharma

July 2012�Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Microbes for Soil Sustainability and Crop Productivity by Chandra Shekhar Nautiyal

  2. Sacred Groves: A Religious Platform for Biodiversity Conservation by Priyanka Agnihotri, Harsh Singh & Tariq Husain

April 2012�Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Cyanobacterial Toxins: A Growing Environmental Concern by Rakhi Bajpai & M.R. Suseela

  2. Cell-Telephony and Ecological Concerns by R.K. Kohli, V.P. Sharma and H.P. Singh

January 2012�Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Earth's Dynamic History of CO2 - A Fascinating and Surprising Tale�By Anjum Farooqui

  2. Impact of Climate Change on Mountain Ecosystems of India: Special Reference to the Eastern Himalayas By Soumit K. Behera

  3. Organic Farming and Food Security By Sunaina Lal

October 2011�Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. The Two Sides of Nitric Oxide (NO) A Brief History: How A Pollutant Becomes A Good Friend For Plants and Animals. By Francisco J Corpas

  2. Lichens - A Potential Organism For Sustainable Agriculture By: Rajesh Bajpai and Dalip K Upreti

  3. Environment, Climate Change And Disasters: Challenges For Natural Resource Management By Anil Kumar Gupta and Mohammad Yunus

  4. Lathyrism: The Ultimate Crippling Disease By Avik Basu and Saikat Kumar Basu

July 2011�Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Sustainable Carrying Capacity Without Inputs of Fossil Energy and Minimal Adverse Environmental Impact By C. R. Bhatia

  2. Biological Recultivation of "Industrial Deserts" or "Lunar Scapes" By M. N. V. Prasad

  3. Interesting Biochemical and Medicinal Properties of Some Common Indian Spices By S. K. Basu

April 2011�Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Remembering the Late Dr. Prakash Chandra by�P. K. K. Nair

  2. Ozone Sensitivity of Indian Plant Species by Elina Oksanen, Vivek Pandey, Sari Kontunen-Soppela & Sarita Keski-Saari

  3. Eco-development in the context of environmental concerns by P. K. K. Nair, P. K. Shaji �& T. Alexander

  4. Liquid Biofertilizers: Advantages over carrier based biofertilizers for sustainable crop production by M. Verma, S. Sharma & R. Prasad

January 2011 Download pdf [Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Fourth International Conference on Plants and Environmental Pollution (ICPEP-4) - A Report by Nandita Singh

November 2010 Download pdf[Being large file, clicking on the download button will open a new webpage and the file�can be read/downloaded from the newly opened page.]

  1. Carbon footprints for climate change mitigation by Divya Pandey and Madhoolika Agrawal

  2. Terrestrial Carbon Sequestration Through Mined Land Restoration by Anuj Kumar Singh and Jamaluddin

  3. India As A Megadiversity Nation by Rakesh Kr Sinha, Meera Dubey, R.D. Tripathi, Amit Kumar, Preeti Tripathi, Sanjay Dwivedi

July 2010 Download pdf (547KB)

  1. Global Climate Change and Sustainability of Food Security by Sagar Krupa

  2. The Ganga: A Polluted Purifier by Deepika Sharma and U.N. Rai

  3. Dual Nature of Reactive Oxygen Species; an Ally or Adversary for Plant by P. Tripathi, S. Dwivedi, D. Chakraborty, P.K. Trivedi, R.D. Tripathi

April 2010 Download pdf (493KB)

  1. Eco-development as a Tool for the Control of Climate Change Hazards of Kuttanad Wetlands of Kerala by P. K. K. Nair, P. K. Shaji and T. Alexander

  2. Climate Change, Towards a Booming Bane by Richa Dave, Rudra Deo Tripathi, Sanjay Dwivedi & S. N. Singh

  3. Cultivation of Tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum) using Municipal Solid waste compost by Abida Begum

January 2010 Download pdf (410KB)

  1. OPAL: A Unique National Public Participatory Environmental Monitoring Project by J. Nigel B. Bell

  2. Impact of Global Climate Change on Floriculture in India by S.C. Sharma & R. K. Roy

  3. Pyxine Cocoes Nyl. - A Foliose Lichen as a Potential Bioindicator/biomonitor of Air Pollution in Philippines: An Update by Isidro T. Savillo

October 2009 Download pdf (445KB)

  1. Arsenic Threat and its Remediation Through Plants: A Step For Environmental Clean Up By Deepika Sharma and Sanjay Dwivedi

  2. Looking Afresh At Urban Greens By Monika Koul and A. K. Bhatnagar

  3. Biosorption of Copper in Aquatic Macrophytes By Abida Begum

July 2009 Download pdf (438KB)

  1. Urban Pollution and Solution by S. C. Sharma

  2. Change Your Home Environment By Chrysanthemum Blooms by B. K. Banerji and A. K. Dwivedi

  3. Alien Plant Invasion: A Hot Ecological Issue by R. S. Tripathi

April 2009 Download pdf (415 KB)

  1. Species watch groups – key to biodiversity conservation by Monika Koul and A. K. Bhatnagar

  2. HOPE Initiative stimulates young minds on health and environment by Gourdas Choudhuri

  3. Natural attenuation: A potential for environmental clean-up by O.P. Shukla and U.N. Rai

January 2009 Download pdf (595 KB)

  1. Botanist in Urban Environment by Sharad B. Chaphekar

  2. A Vignette of Four Decades of Air Quality and Plant Response Research by Sagar Krupa

October 2008 Download pdf (456 KB)

  1. Effects of Climate Change on Plant Pathogens by Usha Mina and Parimal Sinha.

July 2008 Download pdf (752 KB)

  1. Cost effective method for Removal of Fluoride from Polluted water By Dr. Abida Begum

  2. A Report on International Workshop on “Climate Change and its Impact on Flora in the South Asia Region�?

April 2008 Download pdf (498 KB)

  1. Climate Change - 2007 (from

  2. Agriculture: 50 Years from Now by Saikat Kumar Basu.
  3. The Vista of Palynological Science - An Assay by Dr. P K K Nair.

January 2008 Download pdf (433 KB)

  1. Environmental Challenges in the Anthropocene by J S Singh

  2. Recommended Urban Forest Mixtures to Optimize Selected Environmental Benefits by Domm, A Drew , R Greene, E Ripley, R Smardon , and J Tordesillas

October 2007 Download pdf (459 KB)

  1. Soil Carbon in Agroecosystems: Issues and Challenges by K P Singh, Nandita Ghoshal

  2. Ground-Level Ozone in The 21st Century: Submission of Evidence from the Air Pollution Crop Effect Network (APCEN) by Lisa Emberson

  3. Bryophytes: A Useful Tool in Heavy Metal Monitoring by Vinay Sahu, A K Asthana, Virendra Nath, M� Yunus

July 2007 Download pdf (947 KB)

  1. Kohl and Sindoor: the potential source of lead poisoning by Dr VP Kapoor

  2. Invasive species: The concept, invasion process, and impact and management of invaders by Purnima Raizada

  3. Can climate change in the past serve as a basis for future indications? by Anjum Farooqui

  4. Garden – A Centre of Excellence for Conservation, Education and Bio-Aesthetics by Anil K Goel, R K Roy & S C Sharma

April 2007 Download pdf (408 KB)

  1. The Protection of the Yabotí Biosphere Reserve, Misiones, Argentina and its Guaraní People by Ghillean T Prance

  2. Should we choose to eat Cd contaminated rice or to use GM plant-microbes? by Yoshikatsu Murooka

  3. Trend in tropospheric ozone concentration and its impact on agriculture: Indian perspective by Madhoolika Agrawal

  4. Plastics in the Environment by M M Sharma, & R A Mashelkar

  5. Effect and Risk Assessment of Ozone Air Pollution on Forest Vegetation in Switzerland By Marcus Schaub

  6. Where Have All the Sparrows Gone? By Aqeel Farooqi

January 2007 Download pdf (1319 KB)

  1. Sustainable Development and Waste Management by Ajit Kumar Jain

  2. VOC Emission by Plants: Significance and Implications by C K Varshney

October 2006 Download pdf (278 KB)

  1. Social Justice and Habitat Restoration - A Commentary on the Science and Practice of Ecological Restoration By Anton G Endress

  2. Lichens and Air Pollution By James P Bennett

  3. Intellectual Property Rights By Mohd Usama and Amit Pal

July 2006 Download pdf (380 KB)

  1. Greening your Environment - Recycle the Waste: Make your own Compost! by Jamal Masood

  2. Keystone Species: The Concept, their Ecological Significance and Determining their Keystone Status by R S Tripathi and P Law

April 2006 Download pdf (413 KB)

  1. Use of Pollen in Plant Biomonitoring of Air Pollution by Jean-Pierre Garrec (France)

  2. Bacterial Resistance: A Tool for Remediation of Toxic Metal Pollutants by OP Shukla, UN Rai, Smita Dubey & Kumkum Mishra (India)

  3. Food Colours: Concern Regarding Their Safety and Toxicity by VP Kapoor (India)

February 2006 Download pdf (1317 KB)

  1. Report on Deliberations of Third International Conference on Plants & Environmental Pollution (ICPEP-3) (also includes recommendations) by R S Tripathi, R D Tripathi, Kamla Kulshreshtha, Nandita Singh, K J Ahmad & S V Krupa

November 2005 - ICPEP-3 Book of Abstract Download pdf (808 KB)

November 2005 (ICPEP-3 Souvenir) Download pdf (895 KB)

  1. Global Climate Change and Food Security in a Growing World by Sagar Krupa

  2. Environment & Biodiversity: Agenda for future by P Pushpangadan & H M Behl

  3. How Air Pollution Can Change the Response of Plants to Other Environmental Stresses by J N B Bell

  4. The Biotron: An Experimental Climate Change Research Facility by A Singh , M Dixon , B Grodzinski , N Huner

  5. Growing Threats to Environmental Security by Prof C K Varshney

  6. Insect Resistant Transgenic Crops: A major contribution of plant biotechnology to environmental sustainability by Rakesh Tuli and D V Amla

  7. Biodiesel: Hitting the target by H M Behl

  8. Phytoremediation of Selenium and Other Toxic Trace Elements by Norman Terry and Danika LeDuc

October 2005 Download pdf (338 KB)

  1. Looking at Fireworks From Environmental Science Perspective by Arun K Attri

  2. Indian Village: An Ecological Perspective by Chandra Shekhar Mohanty

  3. Toxic Contaminants In Herbal Drugs by Vartika Rai & Shanta Mehrotra

July 2005 Download pdf (286 KB)

  1. Sacred Groves of North-East India and their Floristic Richness and Significance in Biodiversity Conservation by RS Tripathi (India)

  2. Air Pollution may cause Lifelong Lung Deficits by Per Elvingson (Sweden)

  3. Plastics Waste as a Resource for Fuel

April 2005 Download pdf (419 KB)

  1. Biomonitoring of air pollutants with plants By Ludwig De Temmerman, J Nigel, B Bell, Jean Pierre Garrec, Andreas Klumpp, Georg HM Krause & Alfred EG Tonneijck

  2. Biodiversity Conservation of Freshwater Ecosystem in India By S K Kulshrestha

January 2005 Download pdf (298 KB)

  1. Mission 2007: A Nutrition Secure India by MS Swaminathan (India)

  2. Chromium Pollution and Bioremediation by Sumit Yadav, OP Shukla & UN Rai (India)

  3. Scotobiology -The Biology of Darkness by Tony Bidwell & Peter Goering (Canada)

  4. National Workshop on Aquatic Weeds: Threat to Environment or Boon in Disguise by Shailendra Mathur (India)

October 2004 Download pdf (719 KB)

  1. The UWO-Guelph Biotron by Norman Huner (Canada)

  2. Chromium Accumulation and Toxicity in Aquatic Vascular� Plants by Prakash Chandra & Kamla Kulshreshtha (India)

  3. Vanishing Tertiary Genetic Heritage in the East Mediterranean, Liquidamber� Orientalis Mill By M Ozturk, C R Parks, F Coskun, G Gork, O Secmen (Turkey)

July 2004 Download pdf (273 KB)

  1. Environmental Impact of Genetically Engineered Crops by CR Bhatia

  2. Evergreen Plant Surfaces as Targets under Changing Climate by Satu Huttunen

  3. Land Degradation Problems in the Euphrates Basin, Turkey by M Ozturk, H Ozcelik, S Sakcali & A Guvensen

April 2004 Download pdf (114 KB)

  1. The Consequences of Air Pollution for Food Security by Lisa D Emberson

  2. Tropospheric Ozone in the Mediterranean Basin: Evidence of its Effects by Maria J Sanz

  3. Biopulping and Biobleaching: An Energy Saving Technology for Indian Pulp and Paper Industry by OP Shukla, UN Rai & SV Subramanyam

  4. Phytoremediation of Hazardous Lead from Environment by Sudhakar Srivastava, Seema Mishra and RD Tripathi

January 2004 Download pdf (214 KB)

  1. Air Quality Research and Education: An International Perspective (A Commentary) by Prof S V Krupa

  2. Biological Reclamation of Degraded Mined Land - A Sustainability Indicator by Dr Siddharth Singh

October 2003 Download pdf (719 KB)

  1. Peer Review? What? And Why? (A Commentary) by Prof S V Krupa

  2. Plastics Recycling and The Need For Bio-Polymers by Almitra H Patel

  3. Biotechnology : Past, Present and Future by Lalji Singh

July 2003

  1. Eurobionet: Standardised Methods for Biomonitoring Air Quality in European Cities by Andreas Klumpp, Gabriele Klumpp & �Wolfgang Ansel

  2. Chinese Brake Fern -� A Potential Phytoremediator of Arsenic Contaminated Soil and Water by Nandita Singh & Lena Q Ma

April 2003

  1. Air Pollution Impacts on Crops and Forests in Developing Countries by LD Emberson, M Agrawal, A Wahid, MR Ashmore, H Pleijel, PEKarlsson

  2. Bioremediation: Ecotechnology for the Present Century by Anil K Gupta, Mohammad Yunus and Pramod K Pandey

January 2003

  1. Declining Global Air Quality: Views From Student Interactions by Prof Prof S V Krupa

  2. Radioecology and the Chernobyl Disaster by JNB Bell

  3. Endangered Pollinators by J K Maheshwari

October 2002

  1. Biodiversity and Floristic Composition of Sundarbans in Bangladesh by M N Amin

July 2002

  1. Air Pollutants, Plants Response, Soil Microbes and Ecosystem Biodiversity by J H B Garner

April 2002

  1. Recommendations of Second International Conference on Plants & Environmental Pollution [ICPEP-2 (2002)]

January 2002

  1. Agriculture and the US Academic Community: A Commentary by Sagar V Krupa

  2. Health Hazards of Heavy Metals by UN Rai and Amit Pal

October 2001

  1. Origin of AIDS Virus Linked to Rainforest Destruction by J K Maheshwari

July 2001

  1. Deconstructing Science by Anil Agarwal

April 2001 - Presently not available

January 2001

  1. Why Eco-Education? by Kamla Kulshreshtha and P Pushpangadan

October 2000

  1. Organic Cultivation by HM Behl

  2. Mangroves - In A Mangled Mess by Shakila Khan and Jabeen Abidi

July 2000 - Presently not available

April 2000

  1. Threat to Our Coastal Guards by Anjum Farooqui

  2. Allergy - Manifestation of Environmental Nuances by Vini Tandon

January 2000 (Millennium Issue)

  1. Air Pollution, Global Climate Change and Agriculture - A Vignette of the Last 50 Years of A Millennium by Sagar V Krupa

  2. Biodiversity Conservation and Agrobiotechnology by Anton G Endress

  3. Global Air Pollution: Does the World Take a Restricted View? by JNB Bell

  4. Sustainable development: Integrating economic and ecological concerns by CK Varshney

  5. Functional Food, Medicinal Food and Nutraceuticals - Approach to Health Care in 21st Century by P Pushpangadan

  6. Interiorscapes - A Step Forward by Nandini Mukherjee

  7. Plant Bioindicators of Aquatic Environment by Prakash Chandra and Sarita Sinha

  8. Philosophy and Science of the Indian Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) by SC Sharma and AK Goel

  9. Viruses in relation to mankind by BP Singh

  10. Microbiologically treated wastewater for irrigation by MR Suseela

  11. Assigning Economic Value to Biodiversity by Nandita Singh

October 1999

  1. Atmospheric Carcinogens: How Safe We Are! by HS Srivastava

  2. Toxic Metals and Phytoremediation by U N Rai And Amit Pal

  3. Vegetational Scenario and Climate of The Coal-Bearing Gondwana by Usha Bajpai

  4. Amaranthus : Evolution, Genetic Resources and Utilization by Mohinder Pal

  5. Bioremediation of Urban Environmental Pollution by Ornamentals by S C Sharma and R K Roy

  6. 'Dropsy'- An Epidemic Disease! by MR Suseela

July 1999

  1. Biodiversity and the Emerging WTO Regimes by P Pushpangadan

  2. Hospital Waste - An Environmental Hazard and Its Management by Hem Chandra

April 1999

  1. Ecolabels-Environment Friends by N Singh and D Brown

January 1999

  1. Environmental Regulations and Litigation in India by N Singh and D Brown

October 1998 - Presently not available

July 1998

  1. Disaster Management: An Emerging Discipline by Anil K Gupta and M Yunus

April 1998

  1. Forest Fire And Ecosystem-Health by Anil K Gupta and M Yunus

January 1998 - Presently not available

October 1997 - Presently not available

July 1997 - Presently not available

April 1997

  1. Sustainable Development - Principles, Perception and Practice by A Kumar, N Singh, and M Yunus

  2. Kick Tobacco Out of Our Lives! by Amit Pal

January 1997

  1. ICPEP-1 (1996) Report

  2. ICPEP-1 (1996) Recommendations

October 1996 - Presently not available

July 1996 - Presently not available

April 1996

  1. Biodiversity - A Challenge to Science and Society by J K Maheshwari

January 1996 - Presently not available

October 1995

  1. Environmentally Sound Pest Management by Rakesh Tuli

  2. Environment and the Genes by S S Agarawal

July 1995 - Presently not available

April 1995 - Presently not available

January 1995 - Presently not available

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