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Vol. 15 No. 3 - July 2009

Urban Pollution and Solution

By: S.C. Sharma*

In modern times pollution has become the biggest menace for the survival of the biological species. There are various types of pollution e.g. air, water, soil, sound and mental pollution. Earth was a beautiful landscape but man has ruthlessly exploited for his greed specially, in the last century. With rapid industrialization and random urbanization environmental pollution has become a serious problem. Over exploitation of open spaces, ever-increasing number of automobiles and demographic pressure have further aggravated the problem. There are various ways and means to mitigate the urban environmental pollution. Plan-ting of trees and shrubs for abatement of pollution and improvement of environment is an effective way and well recognized throughout the world. Earlier, the purpose of planting trees in urban areas was purely aesthetic. The incessant increase of urban environ-mental pollution has necessitated to reconsider the whole approach of urban landscaping and its orientation in order to achieve duel effect i.e. bio-aesthetics and mitigation of pollution. Proper planning and planting scheme depending upon the magnitude and type of pollution, selection of pollution- tolerant and dust scavenging trees and shrubs should be done for bioremediation of urban environmental pollution. Pollution, the major problem in cities, is compounded by the fact that there is no exhaust for the polluted air to escape. Landscape architects can solve the pollution problems related to urban landscape by creating a micro-climate.

Planting along the road

Roads are the important sites of the urban areas which contribute significantly in generating pollution. By planting trees on both sides pollution can be mitigated. Unfortunately, in most of the old Indian cities and towns, there is hardly any provision of sufficient space for the same. However, it is necessary to study the type of road, overhead electrical cables, spaces available on both sides, central verge, traffic triangles, round-abouts, squares and other open space available before taking up any plantation. It has been observed that trees and shrubs which are drought/frost resistant are generally tolerant to pollution. Selection of trees is another important task. Before selecting any plant species, it is necessary to consider following characters: agro-climatic suitability; height and spread; canopy architecture; growth rate and habit (straight undivided trunk); aesthetic effect (foliage, conspicuous and attractive flower colour); pollution tolerance and dust scavenging capacity. Some of the ornamental trees which have aesthetic effect and are tolerant to pollution have been screened and recommended for planting along the roads: Acacia auriculiformis, Ailanthus excelsa, Albizzia lebbek, Bauhinia acumi nat a, B. purpurea, But ea monosperma, Cassia fistula, C. marginata, C. siamea, Casuarina equisetifolia, Crataeva religiosa, Drypetes roxburghii, Ficus benjamina, Lagerstroemia duperreana, L. flosreginae, L. rosea, Mimusops elengi, Polyalthia longifolia, P. longifolia 'Angustifolia', P. longifolia 'Pendula', Peltophorum ferrugineum, Tectona grandis, Terminalia arjuna, T. muelleri, Thespesia populnea etc. Emphasis should be given to the native plant species which are comparatively well acclimatized, and stress and pollution tolerant.

Central Verge

Central verge of the two way roads in the cities and towns are often found neglected and devoid of any planting. It is recommended that this area should be well utilized by planting dwarf trees and shrubs. This will not only serve aesthetic purpose but also functional being physical barrier for the glare of head lights of the vehicles which is essential for effective and safe operation of the roads during dark hours. Planting may be done either in single or double row depending upon the space available. Since these plants are more close to the automobile exhaust, their capacity for pollution tolerance should be considered before selection. Following plant species have been reported as pollution tolerant and recommended for plantation: Acalypha wilkesiana, Bougainvillea 'Chitra', 'H.C. Buck', 'Lady Mary Baring', 'Mary Palmer Special', 'Partha', 'Shubhra', 'Zulu Queen'; Caesalpinia pulcherrima, Callistemon lanceolatus, C. polandii, Cassia surattensis, Duranta plumeri, Euphorbia milli, Hamelia patens, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Ixora coccinea, J atropha panduraefolia, Lantanacamara, L. depressa, Malpighia cocci ger a, M. glabra, Murraya paniculata, Nerium oleander , Phyllanthus niruri, Rosa Gruss an Teplitz', Tabernaemontana coronaria, Thevetia neriifolia, Vinca rosea, Wadelia lacinata etc.

Traffic Island

Traffic islands at the main road intersections vary in shape and size from square, triangle to round. Whatever may be the shape, these islands should be properly planted with the dwarf trees, shrubs and ground covers recommended for planting along the road and central verge which will contribute effectively in mitigating the air pollution.


Greenbelt is defined as the mass plantation of pollution tolerant trees and shrubs in an area for the purpose of minimizing air pollution by filtering, intercepting and absorbing pollutants in an effective manner for improvement of the environment. Every town and city must have certain area earmarked for the development of greenbelts. The effectiveness of the greenbelt depend on several factors viz. climatic conditions, design, selection of plant species and its characters and type of pollutants. The importance of greenbelt can be ascertained from the estimate of cleansing capacity of 3.7 tonnes of CO2 from atmosphere and supply of 2.5 tonnes of oxygen from one hectare of woodland. Following trees and shrubs are recommended for planting in the greenbelt which have aesthetic effect as well as pollution tolerant capacity: Acacia auriculiformis, Albizzia lebbek, Azadirachta indica, Bougainvillea cultivars, Bauhinia purpurea, Butea monosperma, Cassia siamea, C. surattensis, Dalbergia sissoo, Ficus infectoria, Diospyros embryopteris, Lagerstroemia duperreana, Melia azedarach, Millingtonia hortensis, Murraya paniculata, Nerium oleander, Nyctanthes arbortristis, Parkinsonia aculeata, Polyalthia longifolia, Putranjiva roxburghii, Terminalia arjuna, T. muelleri, Thevetia neriifolia etc.

Considering the present scenario of urban environmental pollution, there is a growing need for changing the approach of planting trees and other plant species. Inclusion of the ornamental plants having pollution mitigating ability in the landscape plan will serve the duel purpose of making the cities green and pollution free in the long run. Proper planting scheme will bring healthy life and colour in the cement concrete jungle of large congested cities. There is an urgent need for saving Lucknow, the beautiful city of Gardens which is being converted into a dead city of stone by ill planning and short sightedness. Solution lies in having a strong and selfless political will. There should be a nodal agency for coordination of the arboricultural activities of the Forest Department, Horticulture Department, Municipal Corporation, Lucknow Development Authority, NGOs , Landscape Architects, Environmentalist and strong media. Sincere efforts will transform Lucknow into a 'Model Green Capital' having 30% forest cover within the next five years. Governments may go and come but the momentum should be maintained, so the citizens may feel healthy and happy. Our city, Lucknow is well known all over the world for its culture and friendliness.


*Vice-President, International Society of Environmental Botanists, National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow-226001, India

E-mail: [email protected]

This article has been reproduced from the archives of EnviroNews - Newsletter of ISEB India.

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